were used to accommodate cattle which returned thus in the cities, because they corresponded to the wealth of these populations
Great bakery of classical Kerma
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producing of the conical breads for the offerings of the temple
Monumental hypostyle room
leading to the central temple. (Thoutmosis 1st Thoutmosis II and Hatchepsout)
Southern ceremonial palace of Thoutmosis 1st
destroyed by a coalition of three African war leaders
Dependence for the preparation of the offerings
of the temple pertaining to the times napatéenne and meroitic. 600-400 before our era
Restored southern well
Western temple
Three Egyptian temples of the ménénou of Thoutmosis 1st
Well of Thoutmosis 1st, Thoutmosis II and of Hatchepsout
Underground access to the southern well
(Thoutmosis 1st and Thoutmosis IV)
Hiding-place of the black Pharaons
in whom forty fragments of seven monumental statues were belonging to two kings having directed the destinies of Egypt and Nubie. Three other kings are associated with the kingdom napatéen. 600-400 before our era.
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