Abdelhai Abdelsawi Fedlelmula

–  Graduated in the University of Khartoum 1986, in Faculty of Science – Geology
–  Teaching science in High secondary schools 1986- 1988
–  Roots drilling company – till 1989
–  1989 Antiquities inspector at NCAM (National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums
–  Master degree in Geoarchaeology (Origin of sediments at Kadero Neolithic site). 1998-2001-Pznan-Poland.
–  Field directoer in MADAP project (Merwe Dam Archaeological Salvage Project). 2001-2004
–  Field Director of of ROS project (Roseris Dam heightening Salvage Project. 2010-2012
–  Field Director of of UA project (Upper Atbara -Setit Dam Archaeological Salvage Project. 2013
–  Field Director in DDASP qutari project (Deba-Dam Archaeological Survey Project). 2013-2014
–  Researching in Blue Nile Archaeology for Phd. Now head of Archaeological department at NCAM.